Friday, 19 June 2015

Coonabarabran / Siding Spring Observatory

Hi, in Coonabarabran last night and tonight, central western NSW. Today we visited the telescopes of Siding Spring Observatory,   This first photo is just someone's front yard who obliviously loves their astronomy! Coonabarabran is just near the beautiful Warrumbungle National Park, Very dramatic scenery , old volcanic country.  Hitting the road pretty hard for the next few days to get to QLD.

 View of  one of the 10 observatory domes at Siding Spring, top  of the mountain.

 Very interesting display

 Inside the dome of the main telescope

 Graeme next to the Horsehead Nebula

In the early 1960's the site was identified as a new site for observing the southern night sky.  Construction began in 1963 and the first telescopes were opened in 1964.  It is now home to many telescopes belonging to both local and international organizations.